Acceptable Use Policy

Matchbox Acceptable Use Policy
Last Updated: Sept 21, 2023

This Acceptable Use Policy (“Policy”) applies to customers’ use of all products and services offered by Matchbox (“Matchbox”). Capitalized terms used below but not defined in this policy have the same meaning set forth in the Main Services Agreement (“MSA”).

Customer agrees not to misuse the Matchbox Platform or assist anyone else in doing so. For example, Customer will not do or attempt to do any of the following in connection with the Matchbox Platform:

Interference and Disruption:

  1. Breach or otherwise circumvent any security or authentication measures.
  2. Probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any system or network.
  3. Access, tamper with, or use parts of the Matchbox Platform you haven’t been invited to.
  4. Submit or distribute harmful content such as viruses, worms, or Trojan horses.
  5. Use unauthorized means, such as robots or scrapers, to access the Matchbox Platform.
  6. Interfere with or disrupt any user, host, or network.

Prohibited Content:

  1. Upload, store, or search materials promoting violence, criminality, or terrorist activity.
  2. Promote illegal or harmful activities or substances.
  3. Share fraudulent, defamatory, obscene, or discriminatory content.
  4. Advance bigotry, hatred, or discrimination against any individual or group.

Rights Violations:

  1. Infringe upon the intellectual property, privacy, or publicity rights of third parties.
  2. Share content without appropriate authorization.
  3. Harass any Matchbox personnel, representatives, or agents.

Illegal Activities:

  1. Engage in or encourage activities that are illegal, deceptive, or harmful to others.
  2. Violate any applicable laws or regulations.

Matchbox reserves the right to take appropriate action in response to violations of this policy, including suspending an Authorized User or Customer.